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Parietal lobe contributions to episodic memory dysfunction: insights from neurodegenerative syndromes

发布时间:2021-11-29 栏目类别:讲座会议


主讲人:Siddharth Ramanan, PhD


与会方式:zoom 779556638



讲座简介:A distributed brain network supports our ability to remember past events. The parietal cortex is a critical member of this network, yet, its exact contributions to episodic remembering remain unclear. Neurodegenerative syndromes affecting the posterior neocortex offer a unique opportunity to understand the importance and role of parietal regions to episodic memory. In this talk, the speaker will introduce and explore the rare neurodegenerative syndrome of Logopenic Progressive Aphasia (LPA), an aphasic variant of Alzheimer’s disease presenting with early, left-lateralized temporoparietal atrophy amidst relatively spared hippocampal integrity. He will then discuss two key studies from his recent work showcasing pervasive episodic and autobiographical memory dysfunction in LPA, to a level comparable to typical, amnesic Alzheimer’s disease. Using multimodal neuroimaging, the speaker will demonstrate how degeneration of the angular gyrus in the left inferior parietal lobule, and its structural connections to the hippocampus, contribute to amnesic profiles in this syndrome. He finally will evaluate these findings in the context of memory profiles in other posterior cortical neurodegenerative syndromes as well as recent theoretical models underscoring the importance of the parietal cortex in the integration and representation of episodic contextual information.


专家简介:Dr Ramanan is a neuropsychologist investigating the neural contributors of heterogeneous cognitive and behavioural symptoms in neurodegenerative dementia syndromes. He completed his PhD in 2020 from The University of Sydney, Australia where he worked with Profs. Muireann Irish and Olivier Piguet at Frontier, a world-leading young-onset dementia research team. His work mainly focused on decomposing episodic memory and associated structural brain correlates in traditionally non-amnesic neurodegenerative disorders.



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