08:00-08:30 参会人员签到入会
08:30-08:45 开幕式
08:45-10:10 特邀报告人汇报
10:10-10:20 中场休息
10:20-12:00 特邀报告人汇报
14:00-15:50 特邀报告人汇报
15:50-16:00 中场休息
16:00-17:40 特邀报告人汇报
08:30-10:20 特邀报告人汇报
10:20-10:30 中场休息
10:30-11:45 特邀报告人汇报
08:30-10:20 特邀报告人汇报
10:20-10:30 中场休息
10:30-11:45 特邀报告人汇报
11:45-12:00 闭幕式
An-Qi Qiu(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
——To be determined
Michael Milham(Child Mind Institute, US)
——To be determined
Richard Bethlehem(University of Cambridge, UK)
——“Brain charts for the human lifespan”
Tracy Riggins(University of Maryland, US)
——“Hippocampal-memory network development and episodic memory in early childhood: Age-related changes and individual variation”
陈安涛(西南大学,中国)An-Tao Chen, Southwest University, China
——“Investigating human reasoning via the intervention on executive attention”
陈飞燕(浙江大学,中国)Fei-Yan Chen, Zhejiang University, China
——“The role of individual differences in cognitive training and its neural correlates”
杜忆(中国科学院心理研究所,中国)Yi Du, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
——“Brain lateralization and speech perception: Effects of age and musical training experience”
冯廷勇(西南大学,中国)Ting-Yong Feng, Southwest University, China
——“Developmental neural basis and neuromodulation of procrastination”
耿凤基(浙江大学,中国)Feng-Ji Geng, Zhejiang University, China
——“Neural correlates of proactive and reactive cognitive control in children and adults”
龚高浪(北京师范大学,中国)Gao-Lang Gong, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Callosal fiber length scales with brain size according to functional lateralization, evolution, and development”
龚启勇(四川大学华西医院,中国)Qi-Yong Gong, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China
——“ Recent Advances in Psychoradiology”
胡传鹏(南京师范大学,中国)Chuan-Peng Hu, Nanjing Normal University, China
——“Meta-science can improve the robustness of developmental population neuroscience”
胡理(中国科学院心理研究所,中国)Li Hu, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
——“Developmental cognitive neuroscience of pain: present and future”
何宏建(浙江大学,中国)Hong-Jian He, Zhejiang University, China
——“Multi-center MRI: its heterogeneity and data harmonization”
孔祥祯(浙江大学,中国)Xiang-Zhen Kong, Zhejiang University, China
——“Population-level brain asymmetry in health and disease”
林丹华(北京师范大学,中国)Dan-Hua Lin, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Childhood adversity and healthy development: Proposed neural mechanisms and protective factors among disadvantaged children in China”
李馨(北京师范大学,中国)Xin Li, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Early prevention of cognitive impairment in the community population: The Beijing Aging Brain Rejuvenation Initiative”
刘勋(中国科学院心理研究所,中国)Xun Liu, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
——“Developmental neuroscience of cognitive control”
廖旭红(北京师范大学,中国)Xu-Hong Liao, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Development of brain network dynamics in childhood and adolescence”
邱江(西南大学,中国)Jiang Qiu, Southwest University, China
——“The developmental trajectory of adolescents’ creativity and its brain mechanisms”
秦绍正(北京师范大学,中国)Shao-Zheng Qin, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Stress-induced Neurocognitive Reorganization Linking to Vulnerability in Youths”
苏彦捷(北京大学,中国)Yan-Jie Su, Peking University, China
——“Adolescent neurocognitive development of communicative reasoning: The regulating role of the central executive network underlying online mentalization”
陶沙(北京师范大学,中国)Sha Tao, Beijing Normal University, China
——“The progresses of Beijing Cohort Study of School Functions and Child Brain Development and Its Possible Contributions to the National Study of Child Brain and Mind Development”
徐婷(儿童心理研究所,美国)Ting Xu, Center for the Developing Brain Child Mind Institute
——“In vivo mapping of brain organization in human and nonhuman primate”
王菲(南京医科大学附属脑科医院,中国)Fei Wang, Nanjing Brain Hospital at Nanjing Medical University, China
——“Comprehensive characterization and classification of major psychiatric disorders using deep learning”
严超赣(中国科学院心理研究所,中国)Chao-Gan Yan, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
——“The REST-meta-MDD Project: towards a Neuroimaging Biomarker of Major Depressive Disorder”
臧玉峰(杭州师范大学,中国)Yu-Feng Zang, Hangzhou Normal University, China
——“RS-fMRI guided precise TMS”
左西年(北京师范大学,中国)Xi-Nian Zuo, Beijing Normal University, China
——“Chinese Color Nest Project – An accelerated longitudinal brain-mind cohort”

图1 大会照片

图2 与会方式二维码