主讲人:Gena Konopka(德克萨斯大学 教授)
讲座简介:孤独症(Autism),又称自闭症或孤独性障碍(Autistic Disorder),是对个体的言语行为与非言语行为影响巨大的一种病症。为了引起人们对孤独症相关研究与诊断以及对孤独症患者的关注,Wiley神经心理推出“孤独症研究系列讲座”,该系列讲座将邀请到孤独症研究领域中的国内外重量级学者和期刊编委,与大家分享孤独症研究的学术前沿、干预治疗进展以及本研究领域重磅期刊Autism Research 发表的相关论文。
专家简介:Dr. Konopka is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience and the Jon Heighten Scholar in Autism Research at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Konopka received dual bachelor of science degrees in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Biology from MIT and completed her Ph.D. in Neurobiology at Harvard University.
The research in the Konopka lab focuses on understanding the molecular pathways important for human brain evolution that are also at risk in cognitive disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer disease. Her lab uses a combination of human neurons, animal models, and primate comparative genomics to uncover human-specific, disease-relevant patterns of gene expression.

图1为Gena Konopka教授
