主讲人:张军 教授
会议时间:2020年12月23日 14:00-16:00
报告摘要:Research into task complexity has been gaining increasing attention in the past decade in the field of second language research. What are the premises? How is task complexity measured? What dimensions do we look at when the construct is researched on? What possible future directions should we move in? In this lecture, Professor Zhang will attempt to address these questions, followed by an interactive Q&A session.
专家简介:张军,新西兰奥克兰大学教育学部副部长、应用语言学正教授、博士生,导师。主要研究领域:二语习得、英语二语读写发展、学术英语写作。2011年度,入选成为美国TESOL国际学会“最佳科研论文奖”唯一得主、 201 6年当选TESOL全球领军学者之一(TESOL' s 50@50)。担任两家SSCI国际期刊System联合主编/和Frontiers in Psychology副主编、多家SSCI期刊论文特邀评阅人及编委。发表论文及章节100余篇,其中在包括 TESOL Quarterly, Assessing Writing, Modern Language Journal, Journal of Second Language Writing, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Reading & Writing, Discourse Processes, System, Journal of English for Academic Purposes等权威SSCI期刊在内的期刊发表论文66篇。