


发布时间:2024-04-11 栏目类别:专职科研人员


研究方向:语言认知神经科学方向, 第二语言词汇学习与语音通达机制。


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[1] Dong, J., Li, A., Chen, C., Qu, J., Jiang, N., Sun, Y., Hu, L., & Mei, L. (2021). Language distance in orthographic transparency affects cross-language pattern similarity between native and non-native languages. Human brain mapping42(4), 893–907. (SCI,IF=4.8,中科院二区)

[2] Dong, J., Xu, S., Zhang, W., Yun, P., Jiang, W., & Yan, H. (2023). Connectome-based predictive modeling: A new approach of predicting individual critical thinking ability. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 49, 101378. (SCI,IF=3.8,中科院二区)

[3] Dong, J., Lu, C., Chen, C., Li, H., & Mei, L.*(2020). Functional dissociations of the left anterior and posterior occipitotemporal cortex for semantic and non-semantic phonological access. Neuroscience, 430. (SCI,IF=3.59,中科院三区)

[4] Dong, J., Zhang, W., Li, A., Lee, Y., Cai, H., Jiang, W., Yan, H. (2023). Effects of  Short-Term Second Language Learning on the Development of Individual Semantic Networks in Written and Spoken Language. Neuroscience Letters (SCI,IF=2.5,中科院四区)

[5] Dong, J., Yue, Q., Li, A., Gu, L., Su, X., Chen, Q., Mei, L.*(2022). Individuals' Preference on Reading Pathways Influences the Involvement of Neural Pathways in Phonological Learning. Frontiers in psychology. (SCI,IF=4.232,中科院三区)

[6] Dong, J., Hao Yan,Leilei Mei,Gang Wang,Jing Qu,Xinyi Liu,Shanshan Xu,Wenjing Jiang, Aoke Zheng, Genyi Feng (2024). Greater Pattern Similarity between Mother Tongue and Second Language in the Right ATL Facilitates Understanding of Written Language, Neuroscience.

[7] Cai H, Dong J, Mei L, Feng G, Li L, Wang G, Yan H. Functional and structural abnormalities of the speech disorders: a multimodal activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Cerebral Cortex. 2024 Mar 1;34(3):bhae075. 

[8] Zhang, W., Dong, J., Duan, X., Zhang, Y., Gao, X., Zhen, A., ... & Yan, H. (2023). Prediction of semantic features is modulated by global prediction reliability: Evidence from the N400 effect. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 65, 101109.

[9] Yingying Huang; Dong, J., Yan He; Yuqin Hei; Xu Duan; Wenjia Zhang; Hao Yan (2022); Language specificity in the processing of affirmative and negative sentences, NeuroReport, 2022, 33: 153-162. (SCI检索期刊,IF=1.837)

[10] Zhang, W., Dong, J., Li, Y., Zhen, A., & Yan, H. (2023). General cognitive processing for orthographic discrepancy engages foveal attention during sentence comprehension. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 2056 - 2064.

[11] Li, A., Yang, R., Qu, J., Dong, J., Gu, L., & Mei, L. (2022). Neural representation of phonological information during Chinese character readingHuman brain mapping, 43(13), 4013–4029.(SCI检索期刊,IF=5.038)

[12] Qu, J., Hu, L., Liu, X., Dong, J., Yang, R., & Mei, L.*(2020). The Contributions of the Left Hippocampus and Bilateral Inferior Parietal Lobule to Form-Meaning Associative Learning. Psychophysiology. (SCI检索期刊,IF=4.016).

[13] He, Y., Yan, Z., Zhang, W., Dong, J., & Yan, H. (2023). Network controllability analysis of awake and asleep conditions in the brain. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B, 24, 458-462. 

[14] Liu, X., Zhang, W., Dong, J., Yan, Z., Dong, Q., Feng, J., Lai, Y., & Yan, H. (2024). Effects of sleep deprivation on language-related brain functional connectivity: differences by gender and age. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience.

[15] Zhang, W., Yan, Z., Dong, Q., Dong, J., Lu, Y., Duan, X., & Yan, H. (2024). Semantic transparency modulates the semantic perception of morphemes: Evidence from RSA of BOLD signals. Neuroscience Letters, 823.

[16] 燕浩, 黄莹颖, & 董洁. (2023). 音,形,义在词汇语义通达过程中的交互激活机制. 外语教学, 44(6), 16-20.

● 科研项目

[1] 陕西省科技厅项目基于深度神经网络模型的言语障碍生物评估指标及干预研究(No.2023-JC-QN-0914),2023/01-2024/12,在研

[2] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32271098, 词汇阅读关键脑区的功能解析:基于脑功能和结构 连接的视角, 2023-01-01-2026-12-31, 在研, 参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31970983, 词汇阅读中左腹侧颞枕皮层的信息表征研究, 2020-01-01-2023-12-31, 参与

[4] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31871112, 基于多模态脑影像建构强迫症CBT疗效的预测模型, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 参与

[5] 陕西省科技厅, 青年项目, 2023-JC-QN-0232, 基于神经解码与预期模型技术的义素信息表征脑机制研 究, 2023-01-2024-12, 在研, 参与

[6] 陕西省科技厅, 面上项目, S2022-JC-YB-1669, 基于动态脑网络的大脑情绪状态多维度特征识别与应 用, 2022-01-2023-12, 参与

[7] 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会广东省自然科学基金-面上项目, 2019A1515011027, 双语情境下语言产生的神经表征研究, 2019-10-2022-09, 参与

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