


发布时间:2024-04-01 栏目类别:专职科研人员






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[1] Liang Yuan, Zhang, L., Duan, X., Wu, G., & Yan, H. (2023). Longitudinal association between non-symbolic numerical representation and emerging math competence: The dynamic mediation effect from cardinal knowledge to ordinal skills. Cognitive Development, 66, 101339.

[2] Liang Yuan, Zhang, L., Wang, C., & Liu, Y. (2021). Performance patterns and strategy use in number line estimation for preschool children with different SFON tendencies. Infant & Child Development, 30(1), e2203.

[3] Liang Yuan., Zhang, L., Long, Y., Deng, Q., & Liu, Y. (2020). Promoting effects of RtI-Based mathematical play training on number sense growth among Low-SES preschool children. Early Education and Development, 31(3), 335–353.

[4] 梁渊,张丽锦 等. (2024).幼儿数量敏锐度的个体差异及其对数轴估计表现与策略使用的影响. 心理发展与教育,(06):761-773.

[5] 梁渊,张丽锦. (2022).数学超常儿童发展的认知神经机制及教学启示. 中国特殊教育,260(02),45−51.

[6] 梁渊, 王墨耘. (2016). 配对刺激的结构对相似性判断非对称性的影响. 心理学探新, 36(2), 128−133.  

[7] Du Jun, Liang Yuan, Guo, D., Xiao,Y. (2024). The relationship between theory of mind and moral sensitivity among Chinese preschool children: The mediating role of empathy. BMC Psychology, 12(1), 112.

[8] Yan H, Zhang Y, Feng Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Lee Y, Chen M, Shi Z, Liang Y, Hei Y, Duan X.(2024). Assessing mental demand in consecutive interpreting: Insights from an fNIRS study. Acta Psychologica. 243:104132.

[9] Feng, Y., Liang Y., Zhang, Y., Duan, X., Zhang, J., Yan, H. (2023). Divergent interpersonal neural synchronization patterns in the first, second language and interlingual communication. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 8706.

[10] Duan X, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Liang Y, Huang Y, Yan H. (2023). The effect of speech-gesture asynchrony on the neural coupling of interlocutors in interpreter-mediated communication. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. 18(1):nsad027.

[11] Wu, G., Zhang, L., Liu, X., & Liang, Y. (2022). How school principals’ motivating style stimulates teachers’ job crafting: A self-determination theory approach. Current Psychology, 1-16.

[12] Liu, X., Zhang, L., Wu, G., Yang, R., & Liang, Yuan. (2021). The longitudinal relationship between sleep problems and school burnout in adolescents: A cross-lagged panel analysis. Journal of Adolescence, 88, 14−24. [SSCI Q1, IF = 2.3]

[13] 张丽锦,暴卿,陈蕾,梁渊. (2021). 儿童认知发展水平诊断工具IPDT的动态化编制及其在低社会经济地位儿童中的应用.心理学报,53(9), 1−16. 

[14] Bao Q., Zhang L., Liang Y., Zhou Y., & Shi G. (2020). Neural Correlates Differences in Number Sense Between Children with Low and Middle/High Socioeconomic Status. Frontiers in Psychology.

● 科研项目

[1] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 (项目号:2022M722563). 2022.11-2023.06,结题,主持;

[2] 陕西省社会科学基金项目(项目号:2022P001). 2022.10-2024.10,在研,主持;

[3] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目(项目号:2023-JC-QN-0273). 2023.01-2024.12,在研,主持;

[4] 陕西省教育科学“十四五”规划课题(项目号:SGH21Y0118).  2021.12-2024.10,结题,主持;

[5] 奕阳教育研究院青年学者研究项目(项目号:SEI-QXZ-2021-05). 2021.11-2023.12,结题,主持;

[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费博士自由探索项目(项目号:GK20170420). 2017.12-2018.12. 结题,主持。

[7] 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(立项号:18XJA190001). 2018.12-2021.12. 已结题(结项号:21JXZ2432),参与;

[8] 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(项目号:23YJC890053). 2023.10-2026.10,在研,参与;

[9] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目(项目号:2024JC-YBQN-0704). 2024.01-2025.12,在研,参与;

[10] 陕西省科技厅面上项目(项目号:2022JM-134). 2022.01-2023.12,在研,参与;

[11] 陕西省社科联2023年度重点智库研究项目(项目号:2023ZD1096).  2023.06-2024.05,在研,参与;

[12] 陕西省哲学社会科学研究专项项目(项目号:2023QN0392). 2023.01-2023.12,结题,参与。

上一条:李扬 下一条:张丽敏
